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This web-based provider portal was used by all of our provider partners to initiate and keep track of a patient's application for financing. 

I oversaw all creative aspects of this project, including developing the design system/language, UX best practices, usability testing, and testing in dev environments. This design system has the capability of being white-labeled for providers if they chose to create their own "in-house" financing solution.

Covered Care
Provider Portal


The Process

Built completely from the ground up with a "tablet first" approach, we created a scalable platform that allows the providers to not only initiate applications for patient financing but also keep track of the patient on their progress. Providers also have access to reporting, adjustments, cancellations, training, and marketing materials to help sell.  

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User Research and Persona Development

Our provider portal was centered around healthcare professionals who often have experience in patient management programs. Doctors and/or office staff would have access to the portal on a permissions oriented profile. 

(Click or tap on images to enlarge) 

Initial Research

Our provider portal initiative went straight to the source and interviewed our biggest accounts. Extrapolating pain points and desires from other portals they currently use. With this information we were able to build, beta test, and refine our platform.

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Design Process

What we needed to create was a portal that could support multiple "tools" and be easily navigated. With 92% of our providers utilizing tablets for their day-to-day tasks, we kept our interaction design touch screen oriented and aimed at a 768px standard width.

(Click or tap on images to enlarge) 

Final Product

End result: A portal that gave providers a streamlines way to offer financing solutions to their patients

(Click or tap on images to enlarge) 

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